donderdag 25 augustus 2016


For this assignment, the children have to use their imagination. As long as they stick to the modern rules of the Tangram game* and the end result resembles a face, they can’t go wrong.

First the children are shown 8 puzzles with Jack-o’-lantern faces (level: very easy). Then they have to cut out the puzzle pieces and try to create their own tangram face.

While playing with the puzzle pieces, the children practice their fine motor skills by using scissors and cutting out the shapes at the bottom of the worksheet to glue onto the pumpkin in the middle and spatial awareness plus transformations (translation/slide, reflection/flip, rotation/turn) by creating a new face.

This pack is great for centers / stations, early finishers and indoor recess. It can be used on it's own, but it is also suitable as an addition to one of my other Halloween tangram puzzle packs. You can find the ‘math mats & puzzle cards’ , ‘puzzle cards only’ and ‘PowerPoint’ packs in my store.

Tip: You can use the creations of the children to decorate real pumpkins.

*Use all seven pieces, they must lie flat and may not overlap.


You can buy this set here.
Price $2.50

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